Cinderella Cinderella Cinderella! Hurry before the clock strikes midnight! This past Saturday Carolina Ballet hosted their annual Cinderella Ball at the Downtown Marriott City Center in an effort to raise money for the ballet company. Today Carolina Ballet is one of the top ten dance companies in the country. Design Lines started helping with prepreations back in late November 2009 on both the Logistics and Decorations committees.
(Above Brittany and Judy pin tulle on the table skirt.)
(The Design Lines team helping decorate the carriage table.
This is the first thing the guests see when they arrive.)
(Above Brittany and Molly tying turquoise ribbon on the back of the carriage.)
That evening Carolina Ballet honored Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Roberg and Mr. & Mrs. Steve Techet, who have contributed to Carolina Ballet since the company started 12 years ago. The Techets and Susan Garrity, the Cinderella Ball Chair, also happen to be two of our longtime clients. Susan, the ball was fabulous! Thank you for letting us be a part of such an amazing event. Michele Weathers of Carolina Ballet and the rest of the committee chairs did wonderful job!
The velcro slipcover carriage was inspired by Stewart Woodard was engineered and built by Walter Newton and painted by William Strickland. At midnight the carriage turned into a pumpkin! How awesome is that! Stewart and Nancy Church collaborated on the decorations and overall the look of the evening to create a stunningly beautiful event. Below are a two shots of the ballroom centerpieces. Stewart and Nancy, they look awesome.
Let the ball begin! The evening had many surprises. The Live Auction Items included trips to Paris, Tortola, BVI and even a two night stay in NYC. There were also 70 silent auction items that attendees could bid on. My favorites were the dove hunt in VA and a weekend trip to a mountain home in Echota, North Carolina. Oh did I mention the food was delicious! Beef Tenderloin seared with toasted cardamom seeds and to top it all off a white chocolate editable slipper with fruit for dessert. Yummy! By the end of the night our tummy’s were full and ready to hit the dance floor.
(Molly and Judy at the Cinderella Ball.)
To see more on Carolina Ballet’s 2009-2010 Season click here. Also please join us in helping and spreading the word about the “Fund A Dream” program, which helps a specific need for every dancer, pointe shoes. These shoes are the lifeline for the dancers and with each pair costing $70 the shoe bill adds up. Over the course of a year, the bill exceeds $90,000. By contributing to this effort we can help the dancers at Carolina Ballet have the best pointe shoes. To donate call (919) 719-0800 ext. 229.
To see more of Design Lines in the community head to our community involvement category.